Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gianfranco Meza


Daniel Ehrenworth

"Yeah, well, photography is an art. You've gotta have the right film, you've gotta have the right exposure, and you've gotta scream right before they get the food to their mouths."

-Gonzo the Great from The Great Muppet Caper


Alex Kisilevich


Balint Zsako


scratches and trees and tin and dancers

all by Ariel Rubin

Lindsay Page


Adam Ekberg


Show Me That You Love Me by Lilly McElroy

Instructions for my mom:
  1. Go to the nearest grocery store or pharmacy and buy a disposable camera. Make sure it has a flash.
  2. Use the camera to photograph the reasons that you love me. Take one photo per reason. Use all the film.
  3. Do not develop it.
  4. Do not tell me why you chose to photograph any of the objects or locations.
  5. Mail the camera to me. Once I receive it, I'll have it developed at the nearest drugstore, probably Walgreen's.
  6. I'll come to my own conclusions about what the pictures mean.

"When my mom mentions me during coffee with her friends, they counter with stories about their new grandkids."

"In the fifth grade, I was asked to paint a panel on the class mural. I decided to do a picture of two unicorns nuzzling. After working on it for an afternoon, I was told that if I didn't do a better job, they'd have to paint over it. My mom came after work and fixed it for me."

"I gave the closing prayer during my high school graduation. Instead of thanking God, I quoted Walt Whitman. Someone in the crowd said Amen for me."

"When my mom's best friend's husband died, everyone brought over food. People stood in clumps. I overheard two women talking.

'He was cheating on her?'
'With his dental assistant.'
'Those poor children.'
'Poor her. How embarrassing.'"


Monday, November 10, 2008